Thursday, July 30, 2009

Historic1849, Aliceville, Alabama Mansion - Ingleside - for Sale

Ingleside, a 7.5 acre plantation now within the city of Aliceville, was started by a family attempting to escape the periodic Yellow Fever epidemics known to be more prevalent in low lying swamp areas such as the land adjacent to Lubbub Creek near the present city of Aliceville, Alabama. The Hughes family, of course, did not know that mosquitoes carried Yellow Fever, but they did make a wise decision.

Many builders and contractors who have toured this building in the past have remarked at the sturdy construction with columns comprised of entire lengths of heart pine lumber with no piecing together of boards. The balconies are also sturdy with the front balconies and porch having apparent copies of New Orleans ironwork. The staircase is notable for its sturdy and absence of squeaking as are the floors throughout the house, most of which are also made of heart pine and very well put together. The cedar lined closets are another unusual feature.

Of course, the city of Aliceville was not born until around 1900, close to the village of Franconia. Aliceville is the site of a new federal prison for women which is currently under construction with anticipated completion is 2011.